Annual Report 2009/2010
The efficient operation and management of the Hall continued through extreme effort and hard work on a voluntary basis by the Trustees. This involved daily attendance by many of the Trustees and the Caretaker/Cleaner.
During the year the following activities were in progress or were concluded.
1. Strategy – The strategy continued to be implemented which was to ensure maximum use of the Hall.
There had been an increase in the number of groups using the Hall and the Trustees were pleased to be hiring out the facilities to twenty village organisations on a regular basis. The Hall continued to be used for concerts and conference facilities, whereby buffet provision is available on request. The Hall was booked for its first ever wedding reception which proved to be a great success and the Trustees would be looking to market the Hall for this kind of event in the future.
2. Business Plan – The business plan continued to be implemented.
3. Community Cafe – The Cafe continued to be licensed to a private individual who runs it in accordance with the requirements of the Association. The new Tenant is reliable and efficient and provides an excellent service to the community.
4. Community Garden – the garden, adjacent to the Hall continued to be a popular meeting place for villagers. It provided an excellent venue for the wedding reception and was beneficial for large events when visitors were able to take light relief during coffee breaks in the splendid environment.
5. Redecoration – the Hall is in need of redecoration and the Trustees were in the process of obtaining grants to assist with the cost of such work which would hopefully commence during the next financial year.
4. Constitution – The Association is now governed by a Charity Commission Scheme dated 14 January 2009.
Concluding Remarks
In conclusion and on behalf of the Hall, the Trustees and Management Committee would like to thank all it’s users and supporters for their ongoing patronage.
The year under review revealed an operating deficity of £1,131, back after taking into account the depreciation charge for the year of £1,173, net current assets slightly increased to £5,292.