What’s On
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |||
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4 * Carmarthenshire WorkingCarmarthenshire Working Drop In Session 10am to 1pm Friendly chat if you are looking for training, work or volunteering opportunities |
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19 * Local Produce MarketLocal Produce Market Monthly local produce and craft market 9.30am to 12 midday |
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23 * HALL - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGHALL - ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Please show your support for the Hall by attending at 6pm |
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31 * HALLOWEEN PARTYHALLOWEEN PARTY For Children 12 to 3pm organised by Actif Sports and Leisure |
Category Key | |
General | |
Health and Fitness | |
Local Organisations | |
Youth Groups |
Calendar developed and supported by Kieran O'Shea
Click here to read more about our Local Produce Market and special Events coming up in the Hall and in the Village.